Publications from Twinning NanoCAT project

"Selective Carbon Dioxide Hydrogenation to Olefin-Rich Hydrocarbons by Cu/FeOx Nanoarchitectures Under Atmospheric Pressure", Muhammad I. Qadir, Naděžda Žilková, Libor Kvítek and Stefan Vajda, Nanomaterials 2025 15(5) 353, DOI: 10.3390/nano15050353, link

Open access


"Unraveling the effects of reducing and oxidizing pretreatments and humidity on the surface chemistry of the Ru/CeO2 catalyst during propane oxidation", T.N. Dinhová, O. Bezkrovnyi, L. Piliai, I. Khalakhan, S. Chakraborty, M. Ptak, P. Kraszkiewicz, M. Vaidulych, M. Mazur, Š. Vajda, L. Kepinski, M. Vorochta, I. Matolínová,  J. Phys. Chem C 129(3) 1746, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.4c08033, link

Open access


"Combined hydrothermal and mechanochemical control of structural modifications of zirconium dioxide for catalytic applications", V. Sydorchuk, S. Levytska, O. Kiziun, L. Vasylechko, K. Simkovicova, S. Valtera, B. E. Billinghurts, S. Vajda, J. E. Olszowka, RSC Mechanochem 2, 209 (2025), Front Cover, DOI:, link

Open access


"Unveiling inequality of atoms in ultrasmall Pt clusters: oxygen adsorption limited to the uppermost atomic layer", F. Loi, L. Bignardi, D. Perco, A. Berti, P. Lacovig, S. Lizzit, A. Kartouzian, U. Heiz, D. Alfè, A. Baraldi, Small Struct. 2400250 (2024), DOI:10.1002/sstr.202400250, link

Open access


"Low-temperature selective oxidative dehydrogenation (ODH) of cyclohexene by titania-supported nanostructured Pd, Pt and Pt-Pd catalytic films", M. Vaidulych, Li-Ya Yeh, R. Hoehner, J. Jašík, S. A. Kadam, M. Vorochta, I. Khalakhan, J. Hagen, S. Vajda, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128, 3180 (2024), DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c07064, link

Open access


Paper JPC 2024